S.O.S. Turf & Pest servicing upscale residential home for lawn care.

Lawn Care & Maintenance in & Around Apollo Beach, Ruskin, Riverview, FL

We provide premium lawn care services for your lawn in Apollo Beach that includes organic fertilization, pest treatments, small tree and shrub care, and more.

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Professional lawn care services for properties in Apollo Beach, Ruskin, Riverview, and nearby Florida regions.

Keep your lawn healthy and well-maintained with our all-inclusive lawn care services that include fertilization, weed and pest control, and shrub and tree health.

A proper lawn care program is vital to making your lawn thick, lush, and dark green. Our lawn care services are designed to give you lasting results throughout the season and keep your lawn green and healthy all year long.

At S.O.S. Turf & Pest, we have plenty of experience providing quality lawn and shrub care services for residential and commercial properties throughout Apollo Beach, Ruskin, Riverview, and other surrounding Florida areas.

Comprehensive Lawn Care Services for Lawns in Apollo Beach, Ruskin, and Ruskin, FL

Well maintained home lawn and freshly cut grass at a property in Apollo Beach, FL.

Our lawn care services treat your lawn throughout the year to keep it lush, green, and healthy. With over 15 years of experience, our lawn care experts know exactly what your Florida lawn needs to thrive year-round. We offer high-quality, comprehensive lawn care services in Apollo Beach, Ruskin, Riverview, and nearby areas that include:

  • Fertilization
  • Weed Control
  • Lawn Disease & Fungus Control
  • Lawn Insect Prevention & Control
  • Shrub & Tree Health

Fertilization Applications Fortify Your Lawn & Provide Essential Nutrients

Fertilization applications are pivotal to your lawn’s health and strength. Proper fertilizer delivers a healthy dose of essential nutrients that your lawn needs to thrive and bolsters its immunity against harmful diseases and pests. We use a slow-release coated granular fertilizer twice a year in March and October. Our spring application may sometimes be pushed back depending on weather conditions and any frost remaining on your grass. We then use liquid fertilizer treatments each month between our granular applications to further supplement your lawn and landscape plants.

We follow a routine schedule for all our fertilizer treatments to keep your lawn and landscape plants healthy year-round:

  • March: Spring granular fertilizer application
  • April: Liquid applications to supplement previously applied granular treatments
  • May: Plant-focused fertilization
  • June and July: More liquid fertilizer for your grass
  • August: Second dose of liquid fertilizer for your plants
  • October: Fall granular fertilizer application

Our granular fertilizer is packed with micronutrients such as iron that feed your soil with essential nutrients needed for its growth. We always customize our fertilizer blends to match your particular grass type to ensure your lawn receives the proper mix and amount of nutrients it needs.

When requested, we can also use organic-based fertilizers such as milorganite for your lawn and landscape. We also provide plant fertilization that is included in our lawn care package. There is no extra cost for our plant treatments, and we offer free follow-ups for all our fertilizer applications.

We Keep Your Irrigation Systems Running Smoothly with Routine Maintenance & Repair

Irrigation system and water sprinklers watering lawn in Riverview, FL.

Proper irrigation is key to maintaining a healthy lawn and ensuring it receives the proper amount of water it needs to thrive. That's why we provide irrigation maintenance and repair services for your lawn. Particular types of grasses, such as Zoysia, require frequent and proper watering to prevent them from drying up and turning brown quickly. If left unattended, your grass will turn brown very quickly and go dormant which slowly kills your turf. To prevent this, it's absolutely vital to properly water your lawn, whether by hand or with irrigation systems.

Our experts monitor irrigation systems on your property and fix any hot spot issues you may have to ensure your lawn is acquiring the adequate amount of moisture it needs to grow and sustain itself.

Pre- & Post-Emergent Weed Control Treatments Prevent Weed Growth & Kill Any Existing Weeds

A proper weed control plan is key to your lawn’s survival, as weeds can quickly spread and destroy your lawn and landscape plants. We apply both pre- and post-emergent treatments to prevent weeds from growing in your yard and kill any existing weeds. Our pre-emergent treatment is comprised of a potassium-rich blend that strengthens the root system of your turf and prevents weeds from growing next season. We apply a granular application in November, and liquid treatment in February.

To kill any existing weeds you may have or any that may have avoided our pre-emergent treatments, we also apply post-emergent weed killer every month. Our post-emergent treatments are created using varying surfactants to ensure the treatment sticks to each individual weed in your yard. These surfactants prevent the treatment from washing off your weeds and allows the treatment to travel into the weeds’ vascular system and kill them.

At S.O.S. Turf & Pest, we treat all weeds, including purple nutsedge, dollar weed, thistle, stinging nettle, crabgrass, clover, dandelions, and broadleaf. Our weed control experts always come out to identify the weeds in your yard so we can tailor our treatments to specifically target that type of weed and eliminate it completely. We also treat weeds that line cracks and crevices of your driveway to keep your driveway clear and pristine.

Protect Your Lawn with Treatments that Target Common Lawn Diseases & Fungi

When autumn hits with cooler nights and warmer days, your lawn becomes more susceptible to fungal diseases such as brown patch, leaf spot fungus, and take-all root rot. Without proper fungicide treatments, these fungi will quickly overtake your lawn and destroy it. Our team applies contact and systemic fungicide treatments to quickly kill and eliminate any diseases present in your yard.

We meticulously perform spot treatments using liquid and granular fungicide to clear up brown patch and any other fungal diseases on your lawn without dousing chemicals all over your yard.

Highly-Effective Insecticide Treatments Eliminate & Prevent Pesky Insects

Lawn insects are no joke. If left untreated, pests like chinch bugs, grubs, and fire ants can wreak havoc on your lawn and landscape plants and destroy them. To combat these pests, we offer highly-effective insecticide treatments for your lawn. We ramp up our treatments from June through October and rotate the strength of our insecticide applications to maximize their effectiveness. During the rainy season, we apply a heavier, blanket treatment.

Our experts apply specialized contact and systemic insecticide treatments depending on the type of insect plaguing your lawn.

  • Chinch Bugs: Treated during August and September
  • Grubs: Apply preventative treatments in April and topical applications if grubs are active in July
  • Sod Webworm: Apply topical, systemic, and contact insecticide in June and July
  • Mole Crickets: Treated during the rainy season, predominantly July through August

We also provide spot treatments for fire ants as an add-on service. To treat fire ants, we apply a single blanket granular application to destroy any fire ants present and prevent more from invading your lawn. Our fire ant treatments also help with fleas and ticks.

We Keep Your Shrubs & Trees Healthy With Routine Fertilization, Insecticide, & Fungicide

Spraying pesticides at a commercial property in Ruskin, FL to protect home landscaping trees.

In addition to our lawn care services, we also provide top-notch care services for shrubs and trees on your property. Much like your lawn, trees need fertilization to help them absorb proper nutrients needed optimal growth and health. Our tree experts apply granular and deep-root fertilization twice a year to provide your trees with everything they need to grow strong and healthy. Our deep-root fertilization treatments are applied during the rainy season and drench the root ball with a healthy dose of micronutrients, along with contact and systemic insecticide and fungicide. We mix in nitrogen-rich plant food to help the tree absorb nutrients quicker and more effectively.

To treat shrub and tree diseases such as leaf spot, sooty mold, plant rust, and gray leaf spot, we use horticultural oil to clean the plant and apply injections directly into the root ball for fast recovery.

Our insecticides eliminate the following pests:

  • Mites
  • Aphids
  • White Flies
  • Mealy Bugs
  • Scale
  • Grasshoppers

Bees are helpful and necessary for our environment; therefore, we always use bee-friendly pesticides so as not to destroy or disrupt these or other beneficial pollinators.

Are you in need of a quality lawn care program in Apollo Beach, Ruskin, or Riverview?

At S.O.S. Turf & Pest, we know exactly what your lawn, shrubs, and trees need to remain healthy, strong, and vibrant all year long. Our lawn care program is designed to help commercial and residential lawns in Apollo Beach, Ruskin, Riverview, and the surrounding areas. Our list of satisfied clients include Circles Waterfront Restaurant, Pepin Distributing Center, Grow Financial, and many more! Call us today at (813) 404-0398 to discuss your specific lawn and landscape needs.

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Contact Info For S.O.S. Turf & Pest, (813) 404-0398
Call (813) 404-0398 for lawn care and pest control solutions.